Retaining Walls

Retaining Walls

SFC Engineering Partnership, Inc. provides retaining wall design services for clients throughout New England. Clients include block manufacturers, architects, engineers, contractors and home owners among others. Projects run the gamut from small 100sf landscape walls for homeowners, to large 10,000 sf earth retention structures for commercial developments. The projects have included a wide range of different sites. They include: hospitals, car dealerships, highways, athletic fields, high schools, primary schools, police stations, single-family homes, residential communities, service stations, restaurants, streets, commercial buildings, industrial buildings, fire stations, marinas, bridges, public services, private schools, public schools, hotels, colleges, universities, transfers stations, water treatment facilities, etc. Challenging site conditions have included steep slopes above and below the wall, walls adjacent to property lines, bedrock below and behind the wall, heavy loads including cranes and off-highway trucks, and streams and wetlands. Projects have varied from simple four foot high landscape walls to projects with more than a dozen walls with some up to thirty feet high.